S.O.S Roofing, Guttering and Home Improvement Services i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandS.O.S Roofing, Guttering and Home Improvement Services


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Togher Road, Cork, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 601 9066
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Latitude: 51.8743957, Longitude: -8.4957166

kommentar 2

  • en

    Theresa O Donovan


    Had our roof partly insulated, (where damaged) Had to call back company twice as upon inspection the workers never completed the work, we only found out when we opened the attic doors to view their work from a eye level view. Paid cash in full €850 and was assured a receipt would be supplied as receipt book wasn't available on the day. We have phoned company on 3 separate occasions to get a receipt and no return phone call to date. From our experience this company is not reliable especially the non supply of receipt is questionable after 3 phone calls requesting such.

  • en

    john harrington


    Sean and the team at sos have done roofing and building jobs for us in the past found them excellent very reputable local company very tidy well organised and professional always on time and very competitive prices. I would recommend this company for any roofing guttering or building contracts . Regards john Harrington

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