Spice of India i Dublin 15

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSpice of India



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5 weavers row , Clonsilla, Porterstown, Dublin 15, Co. Dublin, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 823 6923
internet side: www.soindiancuisine.com
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Latitude: 53.3827624, Longitude: -6.4083672

kommentar 5

  • charlotte king

    charlotte king


    Nicest take away indian ive ever had, freshly made, found my new indian take away and sit in ☆☆☆☆

  • Manoj Parackal Babu

    Manoj Parackal Babu


    Very good environment..friendly staff . Will go there again

  • en

    Muhammad Zubair


    The owner of restaurant is very bad guy he don’t know how to talk there food is very bad don’t waste your money to go there

  • pratiksha biradar

    pratiksha biradar


    I visited this place for special occasion. I was expecting real authentic indian food but it disappointed me. We ordered following things: Meat Platter: The quantity was not sufficient. All the meat pieces are coloured red instead of spices. The taste was not up to the mark. Chicken Biryani: The served dish was the fried rice with chicken pieces with the name of biryani. It didn't have the taste of Biryani. Ambience: 4/5 Food : 1/5

  • en

    Bernie Maguire


    Food excellent service excellent would definitely go there again

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