St George Guesthouse Wexford i Wexford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSt George Guesthouse Wexford



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Upper george's Street, Wexford, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 53 914 3474
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Latitude: 52.339443, Longitude: -6.466613

kommentar 5

  • en

    teri mcivor


    Friendly staff,very clean ,nice breakfast

  • David Spain

    David Spain


    Excellent location. Unbeatable prices and the host is so welcoming. I use this guest house regularly.

  • Haley Sherman

    Haley Sherman


    This is a really nice place to stay in Wexford, and very close to the downtown area. The owner and staff are incredibly friendly and welcoming, and always had helpful suggestions for things to do. They give you a really nice room with a TV area on the same floor, and a traditional Irish breakfast every morning.

  • en

    Siobhan Kerr


    Lovely friendly staff, very warm and welcoming. Accommodating to our two small children. Lovely comfortable rooms, we had our own private corridor with rooms and bathroom which was great with kids as we weren't holed up in one room. Great kitchen Lounge area so we were able to make lunch and tea and watch TV - again, great for the kids. Wonderful stay.

  • Cas Rudy

    Cas Rudy


    The owner was very friendly and helpful, recommended places for us to go in Wexford. The breakfast was delicious! Rooms are older and modest but clean, comfortable, welcoming, and stocked with amenities you'd expect. The home itself is very beautiful! Great location within Wexford to walk down main street or anywhere else in town. Parking lot within walled area felt secure. Highly recommend!

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