Stakelums Home & Hardware i Thurles

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandStakelums Home & Hardware



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Racecourse Road, E41 H9C7, Thurles, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 504 21900
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Latitude: 52.6842915, Longitude: -7.8330588

kommentar 5

  • en

    helen bergin


    exelent sevise as always from bridget

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    Eamonn Ryan


    Nice friendly very polite and helpful and very welcoming you help you out anyway they can

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    Patrick Mc Grath


    I Came home from shopping today to find that my tumble dryer was billowing out smoke, running a BnB it is an essential part of running a business from home I went into Stakelums Electrical on the Racecourse Road and met with a sales person William Hassett when meeting him at the cash Desk he was friendly and very helpful, knowing my predicament he was very informative on all the Tumble Dryers and choose one that best suited my needs...then it was all about the delivery, as I needed it like yesterday He kindly made a phone call and my tumble dryer has just turned up 2 hrs later...Thank you William Hassett keep up the good work KInd regards Sue Mc Grath... Whitefort Lodge BnB

  • en

    Eamonn Ryan


    If u want to deal with unfriendly and unhelpful staff this is the place to go. 8 out 9 staff don't care. Much better hardware stores in thurles

  • Guntars Graholskis

    Guntars Graholskis


    I gave 5* but working hours needs to be updated. Shop is closed today. But shows that open from 9:00. You lost lots of customers today. Including us. Cars at 1:30 turns around on front of closed gate. 5 full cars in 1/2 a minute. Think how many turns around from 9 in the morning.

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