Stef Hans i Thurles

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandStef Hans



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Cathedral Street, Thurles, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 504 58858
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.678749, Longitude: -7.809585

kommentar 5

  • Michael Morris

    Michael Morris


    If you ever find yourself in Thurles make sure you get here for lunch. Fresh, "upscale" food served in an unpretentious manner. I see this spot as a launching pad for much bigger successes.

  • Martin Lee

    Martin Lee


    Stumbled upon this gem on a little road trip. Cod special was scrumptious and nutritious. Deserts were a wonderful treat! Great atmosphere. Would highly recommend.

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    hanoneill o'neill


    Amazing food.. lovely atmosphere. We've been twice and look forward to the next visit. Great wine list...definitely worth stopping by for lunch

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    Viveka Rydén Mårtensson


    Me and my husband came to town for an espresso and we ended up here. It's absolutely fantastic!! The food and the dessert was delicious and the warm cherfullness of the staff was the clou. ❤❤❤

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    Sally O' Brien


    What amazing food! Finally had the absolute pleasure of dining here. Food is out of this world. What a talented chef! Best food I've had in a long time! Bursting with flavour. One word... superb!!! Can't recommend highly enough! Stopped en route home from Dublin and will most certainly be back!! Coming home armed with their amazing bread and home baked desserts. A serious gem indeed!

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