- Dublin Office i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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9491 - Dublin Office



🕗 åbningstider

14, Saint Stephen's Green, D02 Y611, Dublin 2, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 887 1999
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.339573, Longitude: -6.2584921

kommentar 5

  • Hannes Rinkl

    Hannes Rinkl


    Worst company ever! Communication is so bad! I could not belief how many times they did something wrong. Never use this company for your taxback! Would have been easier to do it myself, and cheaper too!

  • en

    Manus Shortall


    I like the efficient way of Taxback, is an easy and fast process. I didn`t imagine it would be so easy to get my tax back. They waited for me when I couldn`t reply to the messages and when I finally had time to respond, they did the whole the process very quickly.

  • Aileen Troy

    Aileen Troy


    Great service, especially Maria who was always available during the process with diligent, clear answers, excellent follow up and friendly service which built a real customer relationship which was unexpected due to the "digital` initial application.

  • en

    Jessica McKeon


    Lost my information several times, told me completely wrong figures for my tax refund. Charged loads for my refund to the point that I got hardly anything returned, some of the charges they were not upfront about and I had to question why the amount they emailed me to be returned was not the amount that appeared in my bank account. Took over a year for some of the refund to be made. Terrible service, terrible customer service team, dreadful experience.

  • Adrien Pajot

    Adrien Pajot


    Making customer pay $35 for bank transfer on top of other fees and not giving them an alternative option not so great 👎

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