Tesco Extra i Portlaoise

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTesco Extra



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Laois Shopping Centre, James Fintan Lawlor Ave, Kylekiproe, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1890 928 554
internet side: www.tesco.com
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Latitude: 53.0314763, Longitude: -7.2969001

kommentar 5

  • Cj Cuddy

    Cj Cuddy


    I never had any run ins with staff, all the ladies and gentlemen at the checkouts love a good natter and are vry helpful with Clubcard details , my 2 and 4 yr olds are never ignored and chatted to by staff. The only prob i have is that the products are moved sometimes and takes me ages to find something and my shopping can be very expensive with the trolley half full with basic things( no toiletries, clothing, alcohol) but other than that its fine.

  • en

    dominic kessie


    Tesco Portlaoise. You go in to get some groceries Q up at the till ask for a bag. No bags only paper bags there. Ah I'll have one of those. Sorry you can't have one. There for clothes. Tesco my arse

  • en

    Sandra Kavanagh


    Some of the staff are extremely rude,management are also rude,and lack knowledge about there own store,one particular staff member there is about as helpful as a snowball in a fire,

  • Shifty eyed Dog

    Shifty eyed Dog


    The staff are mostly lovely except for a certain balding manager his customer service skills leave a lot to be desired

  • Eoin O'Boyle

    Eoin O'Boyle


    Very big shop. Very big choice. Very tiring to walk all around it. Friendly and helpful staff.

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