Tesco Superstore i Dublin 22

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTesco Superstore



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Boot Road, Dublin 22, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1890 928 440
internet side: www.tesco.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3199222, Longitude: -6.3939122

kommentar 5

  • en

    Teofil Fodorcan


    All you need in a small Tesco. Great place for fast shoppings.

  • en

    Adela Felecan


    Lovely staff and big variety of food. Will definitely return.

  • John Jardine

    John Jardine


    I stood at the cigarette and express counter to get 1euro change so I could get a shopping trolley. After being deliberately ignored by the elderly cashier, I politely asked could she change 2 Euro for me. She snapped a growl at me saying " yi'll hav ta wait til the till is opened righ !" . The lack of manners confounded me. You wouldn't hear it on a building site. Her age is no excuse, she should not be dealing with the public.

  • Jeds



    Well it is basically a supermarket but smaller everything in Tesco is cheap and reliable. Either sweets or baby products to Food to Dessert to Bakery anything so come here to shop!!Also subscribe to jerryxbt on YouTube

  • en

    Evelyn Cathalin


    Staff are lovely and so are the management, the reason I have it a 3 is because it needs a bit of tlc, which can't be done by those working there but further up the management chain. However the staff are fantastic and always greeted with a smile

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