The Bretzel Bakery & Cafe i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Bretzel Bakery & Cafe



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1A, Lennox Street, D08 RK23, Dublin, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 475 9445
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3312626, Longitude: -6.2650013

kommentar 5

  • Aisling Finn

    Aisling Finn


    Beautiful fresh bread and baked goods. Small seating area. Delicious coffee.

  • Kristina Janković

    Kristina Janković


    The best bread in town. Freshly made daily. Love the sweets too.

  • en

    Patrick Coast


    They wouldn't slice a pie I wanted to buy for my office!! This seemed like a really normal thing a baker should be able to do. Not a helpful attitude.

  • en

    Paddy Bolton


    Great service and really nice breads. Great value for money. Open early too. Great coffee and tea. Cheese can is particularly good. Very cosy place. Recommend for a weekend breakfast or if you want some good quality bread

  • Arabel Vilas

    Arabel Vilas


    Just spectacular! We chose this place to have brunch on Sunday and it was amazing. They have different lunches from Mon-Sat and Sunday, only with minimum differences. We ordered cream cheese and salmon bagel and the Bretzel Toastie and both were spectacular. We also chose the carrot cake, almond croissant and hot chocolate. Good place to have lunch/brunch, cozy local and the staff are so friendly. We'll surely repeat!

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