The Dental Studio i Greystones

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Dental Studio



🕗 åbningstider

Rathdown Road, Greystones, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 287 1000
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.1522308, Longitude: -6.0819599

kommentar 5

  • en

    Doris Szentkovics


    I always had a lovely experience going to The Dental Studio. The staff is very friendly and professional and I am very satisfied of the outcome each time!

  • lutasha ramnarain

    lutasha ramnarain


    Great dentist. Amazing service

  • en

    vard soper


    I called The Dental Studio where I was not a patient. I had been in pain for over a week and was attending another practice who were not addressing the pain or infection. The Dental Studio saw me immediately. I attended Christina who is so professional, warm and friendly. She numbed the area and prescribed medication and got me an appointment for a root canal on Monday. For the first time in a week I am pain free! If I could give The Dental Studio 100 stars I would. I, and my family are going to be patients of this fantastic practice from now on.

  • en

    Janin Mac Gabhann


    Excellent. Love the extended opening hours, thorough advice and great treatment. If you are in anyway nervous of going to the dentist, you find yourself here in good hands. Thank you to the team.

  • louise cardiff

    louise cardiff


    Excellent understanding and sensitive dentist, great for kids or those of weak disposition!

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