The Framing Loft Picture Framing i Galway

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IrlandThe Framing Loft Picture Framing



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Tuam Road, Galway, H91 ENY3, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 336 633
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Latitude: 53.2920463, Longitude: -9.0194306

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mark Healy


    The Framing Loft have framed a large number of pictures for me over the years. They do a wonderful job and are extremely competitive. They take great care to advise about frame style and mounting, which I really appreciate. I highly recommend them.

  • en

    Amy Byrne


    So happy with my purchase! and Amazing customer service. Thank you so much

  • Linda Maria Hickey

    Linda Maria Hickey


    I got am amazing frame custom made for a family portrait. I got great advice from Sandra on the style and color to suit my home. It really transformed the portrait into something very special and it takes prided place in my hall. Visitors always comment on how great it looks. Love it, thank you @ The Framing Loft :-)

  • en

    Melissa Hannon


    Great service and frames are always beautiful and top quality would not go anywhere else

  • en

    Birgit Lochmann


    I have been using the framing loft for years and I am delighted with the help and advise that Mark and Sandra dish out. All work carried out by them is high quality and always on time,would highly recommend them. Wishing them all the best Birgit

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