The Harlequin Hotel i Castlebar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Harlequin Hotel



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Lannagh Rd, Castlebar, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 94 928 6200
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Latitude: 53.8533703, Longitude: -9.3056636

kommentar 5

  • Ciaran McLarnon

    Ciaran McLarnon


    Very nice hotel in the centre of town. Rooms are very comfortable and breakfast is good. Staff are friendly and helpful Parking is provided in the multi-storey adjacent the hotel. No gym or pool facilities but this was not a problem for me on my visit.

  • en

    Brian Duffy


    Hotel very comfortable. Food very good. Staff excellent, very friendly and helpful. Bar could do with some modifications.

  • Stephen Keating

    Stephen Keating


    Rooms are very comfortable, reception staff are very friendly and the food here is amazing!! The waitor at the bar made one of the best Whiskey Sour cocktails I've had. Some of the best service I've had in an Irish Hotel

  • en

    Johnny M


    Such a great location. Lovely staff and very comfy rooms. Great place to explore the town. We will be back.

  • Dominick Fagan

    Dominick Fagan


    I love this hotel. I have worked here in the past and come back to it when in the area. Says a lot. Always get a good deal I have no negatives about the hotel. Nice staff nice rooms centrally located. I don't look for negatives so if I ever say there is one I mean it.

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