The Irish Tourism Group i Newcastle West

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Irish Tourism Group



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Killarney Road, Newcastle West, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +1 877-298-7205
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.4486, Longitude: -9.052755

kommentar 5

  • Tiffani Murphy

    Tiffani Murphy


    My husband and I just returned from our 9 day self drive tour of Southern Ireland. There are simply no words to describe it! Absolutely breathtaking! Elaine at Irish Tourism was amazing! Customized our itinerary to fit all of our needs and checked in along the way to ensure everything went as planned. Could not have asked for anything better! We’re already planning our 2nd trip next year with our daughters. We can’t wait to see what Elaine will come up with!

  • David Stelton

    David Stelton


    Sonia and I just got back from our 8 night self-driving tour of Ireland. It was everything that we imagined and then some. Was the most organized, trouble-free vacation that we've ever been on and we have Tina O"Connor to thank for that. Tina put up with my myriad of questions without complaint and pulled off the perfect vacation. From the time that we landed in Dublin until the day we left Dublin, everything came off without any issues. We changed our itinerary to include a night at Dromoland Castle and oh my, was it worth it. Please pamper yourself here if you get the chance. Tina will set that up for you. We will be back. Couple of highlights that we want to revisit that rain prevented us from seeing and Sonia wants to return to Inch Beach near Dingle. Remember drivers, go left and look right in the rotaries (roundabouts). The country was amazing, the people were amazing and the food was amazing. Thank you Tina and thank you Ireland. We will be back.

  • David Verhagen

    David Verhagen


    We had some special needs to be addressed to be able to tour Ireland as a family. Stephanie at Irish Tourism had a ready solution that was both practical and quite affordable, too. We all got travel together and had a fantastic trip in a wonderful land.

  • Kate Somers

    Kate Somers


  • Susan Kennedy

    Susan Kennedy


    The Irish Tourism Group, is Ireland's leading inbound tour operator, their team of experienced Irish travel and vacation planners have but one goal – to create that dream Irish vacation that their will remember forever.

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