The Living Room w Dublin 1

IrlandiaThe Living Room



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Cathal Brugha Street, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakt telefon: +353 1 872 7169
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Latitude: 53.352345, Longitude: -6.260379

komentarze 5

  • Ivan Ivancic

    Ivan Ivancic


    There's pop music for those who want to listen to it, lots of different and overpriced beer and you can also see 10 good looking girls among the 100 of them. The best thing about it is the beer garden, which connects to other two bars one of which plays Irish and the other heavy metal music.

  • Ferran Huerta

    Ferran Huerta


    AVOID THIS PUB!! Living in Dublin for almost a year, it’s the classic gender pub. Me (man) getting rejected from entering one part of the pub while girls were having free access with no explanation. After asking a few times why, the bouncers were incredibly rude and disrepectful and didn’t get any answers why we were getting rejected from there. There are TONS of better pubs in Ireland, just go to another one, all others are way better than this one.

  • Philip Downey

    Philip Downey


    Great spot for any sporting event. Varied drink selection. Shisha pipes to hire out in the beer garden. Good music good food

  • en

    sylvester fadairo


    Good place with a nice vibe and good food with nice mix if music its like a couple bars and restaurants in one. Really nice place if you can get in the bouncers are not the most pleasent people. Off course if you are a woman you will more than likely get in no problem but if your a group of guys you might be questioned.

  • en

    Rebecca Foley


    Always friendly atmosphere. Inexpensive and staff are great. Massive beer garden joining 3 bars. Only thing is there doesn't really seem to be enough staff on at the indoor bar. Aside from that my favourite spot in Dublin

najbliższy Bar

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