The National SEA LIFE Bray i Bray

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IrlandThe National SEA LIFE Bray



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Strand Road, Bray, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 286 6939
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Latitude: 53.2034354, Longitude: -6.0981543

kommentar 5

  • en

    Froggy bangbang


    Staff is super knowledgeable and really happy to explain things about Ireland's wild sea life as well as their exhibits and tree way the Irish seas function, so don't hesitate to engage them inn conversation. The feeding shows are interesting with a lot of facts thrown in and you actually learn a lot. Sadly due to lack of funding and space limitations, their selections of fish is limited and will not expand much. They still have a few very good specimens and it's super cheap to go, so I really recommend going if you have the time.

  • Annemarie Barbier

    Annemarie Barbier


    Great activity for the everyone. You can do this with your family, or even by yourself. I went by myself on a Monday and it was super empty (because all the kiddos are in school) and I had a great time! All the staff are so kind and willing to answer all questions. You can watch the fish being fed which was super nice as well. The gift shop is quite large and they even have a little game/arcade area at the end of the exhibits. The aquarium is very involved in conservation and saving the planet and they try to tie that in everywhere possible which I really appreciated. Having said that, I wouldn't say this is a whole day activity as the aquarium and all the individual exhibits aren't very big. BUT it is in a GREAT location so you walk right out the door and are met with a lovely restaurant, a Gino's, and, of course, the beach!

  • en

    Stephen Duffy


    Lovely bar/restaurant in a great location in the centre of a bustling bray sea front. Food was really good and service was top notch. Definitely will return for food soon

  • en

    Tegan Arnold


    Very small but fun for the little ones. The staff were very friendly and helpful and full of fun facts. The shark tank was definitely a favourite and if you go at the right time you can watch them beinh fed. You can get an annual pass for €25. Good location on Bray sea front. Nice cafe and restaurant next door and a playground 5 min away

  • Jay O'Reilly

    Jay O'Reilly


    This is a good spot for a rainy day activity. In a great location along the Bray sea front with a nice cafe next door. The aquarium itself is modest in size and showing it's age but the staff are very nice and helpful. Ticket prices are a little high for what you get.

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