The Pet Hospital i Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Pet Hospital


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5, Canada Street, Waterford, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 51 856 904
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Latitude: 52.2577739, Longitude: -7.103522

kommentar 5

  • en

    Laura-Ann Nolan


    Fantastic vet. Thorough, efficient and so gentle.

  • mary hooton

    mary hooton


    My kitten Comet and I received very personal service. When Comet escaped from his box as we got out of the car, they came out and assisted me to retrieve him. The fact that he is semi ferral made this more difficult. The vet was caring, professional and friendly. The staff were very informative and lovely Thank you

  • en

    Declan Walsh


    Top class vets. They could not be more helpful but it can be very busy if you just drop in

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    Kelly Hosey


    This pet hospital saved my dog for meningitis

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    Lauren McDonagh


    Highly recommended! Amazing vets! Would trust no one else. My guinea pig recently had cancer at age 5 and has survived everything, happier than ever. She really shouldn't be alive. Amy is our hero! Extremely good and more than fair in pricing. Look no where else!

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