The Raven forest and beach i Wexford

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IrlandThe Raven forest and beach



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Unnamed Rd Co., Curracloe, Wexford, Co. Wexford, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 52.3804822, Longitude: -6.3678505

kommentar 5

  • Positive Ageing

    Positive Ageing


    The Raven offers a unique adventure, you can walk through the forest which leads through tree lined paths with benches placed along the trail should you wish to rest or eat. I made my way along the trail and it was longer than I expected, about 6klm approx out and the same back when suddenly the path opened up and there was the most magnificent white sandy beech, clear blue water and views to die for. On the day I was there myself and a young family were the only people on the beech, fishing boats were bobbing about in the clear blue water and I saw a great number of cormorants gathered together on the waters edge. I took photos and video footage so I would never forget the view as I came through the trees and onto the beech. If you find yourself in Wexford, please take a trip down to the raven because I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed. Great place to walk, take photos, picnic or play with the kids on the white sand. I'm definitely going back in the summer. Enjoy

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    Jerzy Januszowski


    Beautiful place. You can choose beach or forest to walk. There's many people there in nice weather but the place is big enough to feel privately.

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    laurence merrigan


    Wexford's best kept secret, a New Year tradition with our family both young and old. No matter what the weather.

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    Andrew Aherne


    Best place to go on walks or cycles. There are usually safe tree swings that are always great crack with your mates

  • Aharon



    This Saturday we visited the Raven Forest and Culletons Gap Beach, we did the 10 KM' walk in the forest, the walk was very enjoyable and every 1 KM there is marking on a post so you know haw far you walked, also a bench for resting beside every 1km post, one thing I would recommend especially when walking with young kids to bring enough water as it is a long walk, we underestimated the distance and this year (2017) July has been warmish so far. By the end of the 10 KM you need to turn left and at the end there is a beautiful sandy beach. From that point its easy walk along the sandy beach around 10km back to the car park, highly recommended.

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