The Sheridan Food Pub i Shannon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Sheridan Food Pub



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Shannon Airport, Ballyhennessy, Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 52.6930193, Longitude: -8.9198669

kommentar 5

  • Robert Sciberras

    Robert Sciberras


    Irish Coffee is very well executed here. Definitely worth trying in the birthplace of the drink.

  • en

    Margaret O Donoghue


    My partner and I just ate two full Irish breakfasts in your food pub. The black and white pudding were like two rocks. The rasher was dried up and the food in general must have been on the hotplate for a couple of hours at least. To say we wont be teturning for more of the same is an understatement.

  • Brooke Jerulle

    Brooke Jerulle


    Very kind. The food was amazing. The staff were very quick and accommodating.

  • en

    Daniel Nitzlnader


    Top food!

  • Alan Sweeney

    Alan Sweeney


    I had the seafood platter. Very stingy portion of seafood chowder, rest was OK but it was the size of a small starter. Not what I would expect for €15. Typical of airports really but this place has no competition, there's nothing else in the terminal so they can do whatever they want. A major failing of the airport authority.

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