i Portlaoise

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Clonminam Industrial Estate, Knockmay, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 57 860 3603
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.026011, Longitude: -7.319216

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kd Kd


    Disgusting customer service. Was driving from Cork to Dublin. Ordered online the evening before and arrived to collect at 10am. Was informed it would not be ready until 11 because there is a queue system. After explaining the circumstances that I could not wait and asked could mine be picked out of order, I was advised no. Reminded me of a scene out little Britain “Computer says No”. Never buy with this crowd, they do not deserve your money.

  • Paul Hogan

    Paul Hogan


    Massive choice of costumes for any fancy dress event... Look no further!

  • Nathalie Bronagh Ennis

    Nathalie Bronagh Ennis


    Great team. Super professional. Every time I order from here it is super easy and hassle free. Everything always arrives on time. If I have ever had issues they have always been so helpful and accommodating. I really wouldn't go anywhere else!

  • en

    Vanessa Daly


    I ordered a costume for my daughter that's 3 years old. The costume size was 3-4 yrs. the costume was way to small! It didn't fit her at all. It didn't even fit my 1 year old niece it was that small. Very disappointed in this product. 20€ plus delivery is a lot for one costume to come and not fit. Won't be ordering for this site again.!!!

  • en

    Cathal Stynes


    Great selection and ranges of costumes. Everything you need and more for Halloween and fancy dress parties. I was most impressed with the level of service I got, from placing my order to receiving it. Delivery was exceptional, next day delivery was next day delivery. Will definitely be back to order again soon.

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