Toners i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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139, Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 676 3090
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Latitude: 53.3377566, Longitude: -6.2524254

kommentar 5

  • Karl Barrett

    Karl Barrett


    Was the local for my old work, fantastic beer garden out the back, and is not extremely busy. Lovely spot to sit outside for a sunny day.

  • Ben Jones

    Ben Jones


    We recently booked a private function room upstairs here for a family party. The staff and management couldn't have been more helpful, from allowing access to decorate the room, to helping us estimate the number of (delicious ) food platters we needed for the numbers we had. The room has a sound system into which you can plug your music (laptop, phone, music player etc). Decent selection of drinks in the private bar. Toners is one of those rare Dublin pubs which has managed to maintain it's old school charm while providing a great 21st century service. Highly recommended.

  • Tomas Kuzma

    Tomas Kuzma


    Great spot, one of the best beer gardens. Just not when standing right under the heaters. Bloody hot. None the less, great craic any night of the week.

  • en

    Paul Noone


    This pub fulfilled all my imagined characterisations of a Dublin Pub. Inner city, snugs galore, small, slightly dingy, but in a sort of contrived way, Guinness pints pulled with passion and drunk with reverence. Loads of references around the place to those (famous) who have drunk before you. If you are a tourist with any interest in old Dublin, get to Toners.

  • en

    Carvalho La


    Good heated smoking area. Good service overall and Lydia is an absolute lovely waitress. Music a bit too loud sometimes but well, its a bar after all.

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