Top Grade Roofing | Dublin Roofing Contractor i Dublin 5

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IrlandTop Grade Roofing | Dublin Roofing Contractor



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Brookville Park, Dublin 5, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 85 779 5818
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Latitude: 53.384042, Longitude: -6.2047889

kommentar 5

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    Luke Byrne


    I got Ian off the internet for my mothers house as the roof was in bits from the storm , called out wit in hours to weather an returned to fix the roof , big thanks to him an the lads

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    gary gilligan


    Great work from top grade roofing they done fiberglass and zinc on my mams house highly recommend

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    Douglas R Dalby


    Top-class communication. Fast service. Range of quotes based on various options. Would recommend highly.

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    Rina Rafferty


    A close friend put me on to this company as I was in desperate need, as our property was affected badly with the awful weather over the Christmas holidays. Dan was very helpful to me and the company was out to me very quickly and had everything sorted within 2 days.They were very professional. I found Dan and his team very polite and quick with the work. Also the price I was given was very reasonable. I was really happy with this company and their work. I would highly recommend them.

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    Louise Doyle


    My sister put me onto this company! Nice genuine people, fast & reliable would highly recommended. Thanks guys :)

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