Topaz i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Ballyboden Road, 16, Dublin, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 495 4170
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Latitude: 53.2844293, Longitude: -6.2951794

kommentar 5

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    grinto joseph


    If you are always filling from topaz, better go for their fuel card

  • Stephen RambusH

    Stephen RambusH


    I was served by an Asian lady who was extremely rude to me, she tried to make me feel stupid for not knowing what number station that I topped my car up at. Then when I tried to scan my membership card she couldn't get the scanner to work and ended up getting mad at me and throwing gestures and shouting at me telling me not to touch the scanner. This behavior is disgraceful and made me feel very intimidated on front of all the customers. I will never ever use a topaz station again because of how rude their staff are. Its not the first time this topaz station irritated me. Another few times their staff, (an Indian guy in particular) had very rude behavior because I only had a €50 note, other times I was also told to pay with my bank card. I shouldn't have to pay extra fees by using my bank card because of somebody else's mess up. Another reason why I really don't like topaz is because their diesel pumps keep dripping out diesel even after I take the pump out of my car, which results in my hands smelling like diesel. Other fuel stations stop dripping diesel straight away after I remove the pump from my car.

  • Will M.

    Will M.



  • en



    They now charge 1Euro for air Disappointed to discover that this petrol station charges for air if you want to set your tyre pressure. I pointed out to the attendant that correct tyre pressure is a safety measure and that it was cynical to charge for air. Will be going to petrol stations that provide free air in the future!

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    Arty Okkas


    Nice one.

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