Towers Hotel i Glenbeigh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTowers Hotel


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Kilnabrack Upper, Glenbeigh, Co. Kerry, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 66 976 8212
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Latitude: 52.0560924, Longitude: -9.9401906

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tom Pickersgill


    Nice food great service good value

  • Mary Dolan

    Mary Dolan


    The pub is excellent! We stayed until close for two nights in a row, and Brita was friendly and patient with us! The food was great and the environment was cozy.

  • en

    Stu Davidson


    I have visited time and again to the Towers, it's a wonderful place. Homely, cosy, great drink selection and fantastic food. Prices are reasonable, portions are grand and the staff are fantastic. I cannot say more about the warm welcome you get. If you head down for a pint to watch a football match your just as welcomed and pleased as you are if you order a big plate of food 😊. I love the towers, it's a real hub of a happy community. Good old fashioned passion and certainly not a hint of pretentiousness. It's honest it's comfortable it's excellent in every aspect, from management to floor staff. I always pay a visit when I'm in the South West, I've never been dissapointed and I always advise friend's, family and strangers alike to pop in.

  • Mark Adamson

    Mark Adamson


    Stopped for late lunch as was passing by Had the home made burger which was very nice, but my partner had the Fish and chips which looked and tasted fab More custard required as the position was a bit on the small side, however the Apple Pie was very nice. Thanks

  • Arnaud Velter

    Arnaud Velter


    Had dinner in the restaurant/pub. Fresh and tasty food. Enough choice and daily specials. Nice Irish atmosphere and friendly staff.

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