Travelodge Dublin City Centre Rathmines i Dublin

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IrlandTravelodge Dublin City Centre Rathmines


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Lower, Rathmines Close, D06 R201, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 491 1402
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Latitude: 53.3250885, Longitude: -6.2650024

kommentar 5

  • Bernadette Higgins

    Bernadette Higgins


    Comfortable bed, a bit loud, decorative decor could be better my key didn't work some times

  • Mirjam Groen

    Mirjam Groen


    Great location and great breakfast next door at baked. Rooms fine too.

  • Hannah Tempest

    Hannah Tempest


    Towels had stains on them, no hairdryer, iron or conditioner which you need for business travel (if you own hair) Bloke sawing outside from early in the morning. All would have been disappointing but fine if it wasn't for the fact i was given someone else's key card on check in. Walked in to a dude relaxing in his pants on HIS bed. We both screamed, i asked to be put on different floor to avoid ever meeting him again. Glad it wasn't the other way round and a drunk bloke was let into my room at night....absolutely mental! therefore cannot recommend.

  • rene van Erk

    rene van Erk


    Simple but decent and quiet night of sleep in a decent neighborhood. Café Ernesto around the corner highly recommended for early morning coffee and breakfast

  • Jessica Binns

    Jessica Binns


    This is very long overdue but my fiancé and I stayed at this specific location in August and it was absolutely perfect. We had been traveling the previous day (14 hour flight) and our first night was fairly restless. Alicia, was the guest service attendant and she helped us SO much. She gave us a map of the best places to visit. She explained the bus system and even gave us a bus card for the tours that were going on. It was fantastic because it was unlimited bus service and you could hop on and off at anytime to visit your destination. She was so accommodating that she even offered to print off our tickets for the Guinness Storehouse tour that we had later that day. It was honestly the best day in Dublin and she was so helpful and made us feel very comfortable/welcoming/less frantic in general. Thank you Alicia :)

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