Trinity College Sports Centre i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTrinity College Sports Centre



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43, Pearse Street, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 896 1812
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Latitude: 53.3440569, Longitude: -6.2499547

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cindy Santos


    I've never been so badly treated in my entire life. The old lady at the reception is rude and extremely racist. She just answers questions coming from students in Trinity. If you are interested in membership she simply doesn't give you attention. Rude and horrible attitude for someone at a front desk. Never will go back there.

  • Kate Pallis

    Kate Pallis


    It has smelled so bad in the fitness center for the past couple of months. By the time 7 pm rolls around you can't even breath because the room is so packed and so poorly ventilated. I'm not saying the place isn't up to code, but something is definitely up either with maintenance or how the place is being cleaned. Other than that the fitness classes are really great and so are the people who work there! I honestly think funding might have been cut to keep the place hygienic and comfortable, which is really messed up.

  • Alejandro Astiaso

    Alejandro Astiaso


    Went to the basic climbing course (with a discount, otherwise is too expensive) in order to be allowed to have a access to occasional climbing. The place looks great and the wall has around 7 different upward faces, each with 3 options of different difficulty. They can provide all the equipment.

  • en

    Eoin Cahalan


    Don't join, it's theft. Students can clear out any area for their classes, there's no warning of this either. There's no ventilation in the changing rooms of the pool so you'll leave saturated. It's dangerously packed and there's been holes on the floor of the weights room for years! Holes!!! They also charge for any classes they do. Trust me its not worth it.

  • Brandon Ferguson

    Brandon Ferguson


    I've been a public member of the Trinity Sports Centre for about two years. I primarily use it to go swimming, although sometimes I do use the Fitness Centre too. I go almost every day, at different times of day, so I think I have a good sense of what goes on there. It can get crowded at times and I do wish that there were better opening hours on Sunday, but in general, I've been very happy with my experience there. I feel that the Sports Centre staff are excellent - very friendly and helpful. The 25-metre pool is very clean, minimal to no chlorine, and it is kept at a nice cool temperature for lap swimming. Sometimes when it's busy the changing area could use more upkeep, but overall, for what I pay annually I think it's pretty good value for money. My only comparison in Dublin is Club Vitae at the Maldron Hotel on Cardiff Lane and Trinity is far better.

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