U Store It Self Storage Redcow i Dublin 22

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandU Store It Self Storage Redcow



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Robinhood Road, Dublin 22, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 450 6811
internet side: ustoreit.ie
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Latitude: 53.319105, Longitude: -6.359668

kommentar 5

  • John Ryan

    John Ryan


    Great location on the road parallel to the N7, just behind the Red Cow hotel. Secure, well managed and easily accessible. If you need a lock-up in South Dublin.. look no further😊😊

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    PAUL Howard


    Ron and Muhammad very very polite and very efficient at all times. I was moving from the Tallaght area so the location just off the red cow road was very handy. Excellent access 24/7. Reasonably priced.

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    Nora Burke


    I had my items in U Store It for just over 12 months. I was very happy with the service provided. Ron was extremely helpful to me and could always be contacted easily. I would highly recommend this facility

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    We used U Store It Red Cow for 6 months when we were getting work done on our house. From start to finish the service was excellent. There was always a quick response with emails or phone calls. The facility was very easy to access and there were always trolleys available. It was great to be able to back a car into the loading area (perfect on rainy days!). The staff were professional and friendly. The rates were good too. Would definitely recommend U Store It.

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    John Colgan


    I had a great experience with Ron and his team with U Store It South. He was quick and responsive to each of my requests. The faculty is clean, well maintained and very safe. I had to moved in at short notice and he facilitated late access and offered a great rate on my unit.

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