Ulster Bank (O'Connell Street) i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandUlster Bank (O'Connell Street)



🕗 åbningstider

2-4, O'Connell Street Lower, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 889 2950
internet side: digital.ulsterbank.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3479071, Longitude: -6.2590352

kommentar 5

  • James Coleman

    James Coleman


    ATM outside, inside ATMs and cashier for lodgements/services, also other customer services. Currency exchange right next door.

  • Rahim M

    Rahim M


    Good Customer service. Love this bank! Better than most other bank if you ask me!

  • Nicola Volpe

    Nicola Volpe


    I don’t know where to start from, I am completely speechless and disgusted by the level of customer care in this branch. I am already a Ulster Bank client and I opened my account in another city (it took 20 minutes only). If you choose to open an account in this branch be ready to get yourself stressed with useless mails, letters, hours of phone calls, etc. Being already a customer here I thought it would be easy for me and my partner to open an account for her + a joint account for our common expenses. To make it short for you, we logged the request at the end of August and we had our accounts opened at the end of October. During these 2 months these people were able to lose our documents TWICE. We had to ask 4 times for half a day off at work (for a total of 2 days off) for something that in every other branch, village, city, country, planet, is done in 20 minutes! Even after going there for the second time to have the guy have our passport scanned (even though he had done that previously 2 times) he managed to lose them so that we would receive phone calls from the main branch asking for the documents. I have spent the most stressful 2 weeks of my life trying to fix things on the phone because somebody in this branch doesn’t want to do his job (posting documents mainly) Organising a dinner with the Pope and Trump would be easier than opening an account here, so if you want just go to another (and more serious) bank.

  • Bright Eyes Wide

    Bright Eyes Wide


    The customer service here is incredibly slow. Extremely understaffed with one person in accounts to service a queue of 10+ people. I have been waiting for one hour now and still haven’t been seen. Have been here multiple times and on to customer care no one has been able to help me. Disgraceful. Just want to close my account and be done with Ulster Bank!

  • Wiktor Wolczaski

    Wiktor Wolczaski


    Service at this branch has degraded significantly over the last year. There are now only 2 cash desks, out of which often only one is staffed. There are just 2 automated lodgement machines which are frequently out of service. Three times this year has my cash been jammed in the machines, one time a 20 euro note was withheld as counterfeit and only after inspection by staff member was it handed back to me. The note was fine, it was just "too new" and the machine made an error. Also the machines do not accept any notes over 50 euro. So this branch is now a joke.

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