VIP Taxis i Dublin 8

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandVIP Taxis



🕗 åbningstider

90-97, Cork Street, Dublin 8, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 478 3333
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.337459, Longitude: -6.285896

kommentar 5

  • dashcam Dog

    dashcam Dog


    Called for a taxi and was told just to way one down. VIP VI losers

  • en

    Jim Degroot


    This company saved me when my other taxi company let me down. Got me to the airport on time

  • en

    Barry Carroll


    Reliable friendly Taxi company

  • Niall Stone

    Niall Stone


    Two or three times in a row the people in the office taking calls were not great to deal with. Drivers and cars were all good, no issues here, dispatch was poor.

  • en

    Ivan Post


    Today was calling the taxi. Need to drive to the airport. In less than 10 min. taxi was there, unfortunately I didn't ask the name of my driver (Chinese guy), but it was a really excellent service that he provide ! Got a message from my friend "please bring some Irish tea", didn't know what to do... My driver immediately found the solution and brough me to the right local store :))) Thank you so much for your service, guys ! Will definitely recommend !

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