Visit Dublin en Dublin 2

IrlandaVisit Dublin



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25, Suffolk Street, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
contactos teléfono: +353 85 144 1547
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 53.3435208, Longitude: -6.260386

comentarios 5

  • johnny snyman

    johnny snyman


    Best surprise City in the world Dublin WOW

  • A Basu

    A Basu


    Very helpful staff. Went their to collect my city pass, totally worth it. 10 euros and you get unlimited bus/metro/train access for 24 hours

  • Happy Times 4 kids

    Happy Times 4 kids


    Staff very helpful on this tourism office all you need to know they explain you

  • Jason Edgar

    Jason Edgar


    The best tourist advice in town, start your trip here. Grab yourself a visitors leap pass to use all the public transport and save yourself some legwork. Friendly and knowledgeable staff with no agenda except that you enjoy your stay.

  • Felicia Cooper

    Felicia Cooper


    Google maps has the wrong location for this, but they were very helpful! There were 2 tours that were recommended by here that were the highlight of the trip. I definitely recommend asking about them here. They were kind enough to contact the company, book our tours, and set up pick points that were closest to our accommodations. Just fantastic. I don't think there was any upcharge or anything for them to do this for us. There are also a lot of free maps and it's a good place to just ask questions about the city or local events.

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