VOYA Seaweed Baths i Sligo

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IrlandVOYA Seaweed Baths


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Strandhill, Sligo, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 71 916 8686
internet side: www.voyaseaweedbaths.com
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Latitude: 54.2699638, Longitude: -8.6093803

kommentar 3

  • en

    Susann von Mohlmann


    Today I went for a seaweed bath, a wonderful way to relax and warm the body. I appreciate the steam room and bath with seaweed, the water in the room, and the sounds of wave in the background. Yet I feel that value for money is not well matched. Having in total only 50 minutes available, for 28 Euro, has left me feeling rushed. Within this time one is to get ready for the bath, heat up and use the steam room, take the seaweed bath and clear it from seaweeds, shower and getting dressed again. For me there was no time to comb my hair or apply moisturizer, as there is no mirror in the room. I was directed to the public women's toilet at reception, where one can find a mirror and a free hairdryer. Also having taken off my glasses for the bath, steam in the room, I was unable to read the labels of the three bottles in the steam room and was at a loss. Larger signs would be helpful here. Fifty minutes for that prize is in my view a rushed business arrangement. I feel at least one hour or more is appropriate and would allow me to enjoy more fully this resource.

  • en

    Peter Tully


  • Dermot Mc Nerney

    Dermot Mc Nerney


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