Waterford Castle Hotel & Golf Resort i Ballinakill

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IrlandWaterford Castle Hotel & Golf Resort



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The Island, X91 Y722, Ballinakill, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 51 878 203
internet side: www.waterfordcastleresort.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.2533792, Longitude: -7.0593777

kommentar 5

  • Lorie Sandza

    Lorie Sandza


    We really enjoyed our spectacular stay at the Castle/hotel. The staff is a team, everyone is their to please each and every quest. The dinner was amazing. We did not leave the premises. Read a book, play a round of golf, play a game of chess. Just lovely!!

  • first step

    first step


    From check in to check out, the staff was helpful and friendly. They made sure we didn't lift a finger for anything. The service in the bar and the restaurant was beyond compare. The food was excellent. The Wedgewood Suite was amazing and comfortable with a gorgeous view of the grounds and the lake. The wildlife was breathtaking. I could go on and on about how magnificent the castle is, but you really have to see it for yourself!

  • de

    Sara Fina


    Ein Traum in einem Märchen. Unbedingt besuchen, selbst wenn es nur auf einen Tee ist...

  • en

    Howie Anderson


    This was our second visit to Waterford Castle we went back on the back of her initial visit in September as it was so good. We stayed in the lodges by the golf course. Lodges with excellent and exactly what we were looking for self-catering self-contained houses 3 bedrooms with full facilities. Very clean price was very reasonable as we book so far ahead in advance and off season prices do vary depending on time of year that you look to go so check online and check with staff if you are concerned at all regarding price. Either way we love going there the ferry over to the island is always very exciting and always an attraction for our children.

  • Paula Leutner

    Paula Leutner


    Verträumtes Hotel.

nærmeste Bar

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