Westpark Fitness i dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandWestpark Fitness



🕗 åbningstider

Greenhills Road, Tallaght, dublin, D24 EP9R, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 462 6911
internet side: www.westpark.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.2914081, Longitude: -6.357005

kommentar 5

  • Glen Courtney

    Glen Courtney


    I've been in this gym 6 years and still loving it and it's probably the best gym in tallaght with the most members too. The service is great and the facilities are the best they could possibly be.

  • en

    Mathew Lacey


    A great gym. Plenty of space and wheelchair friendly. Lots of programmes to be have on top of your basic. Separate sauna and steam room for men and women. A good place to spend a few hours

  • ateeq ur rehman

    ateeq ur rehman


    Gym is good but bodybuilding equipments r not too much though there is plenty of space Plz bring more bodybuilding machines

  • Karina Fernandes

    Karina Fernandes


    Great structure, clean and organised. Friendly staff and good atmosphere. The best gym in the surroundings. Good location with parking and bus stop near.

  • Alex Hanley

    Alex Hanley


    Great gym, really well equipped and the staff are very friendly. Lots of amenities and support professionals based around the place too. Really good opening hours too!

nærmeste Gym

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