Whelan's i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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25, Wexford Street, D02 H527, Dublin 2, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 478 0766
internet side: whelanslive.com
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Latitude: 53.33658, Longitude: -6.265715

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ronan O'Halloran


    One of the best bars in Dublin in my opinion, nice wooden interior and a wide selection of drinks. The bar staff are friendly and up for a laugh. Get in early to get a seat as it nearly always busy during the night. If you get a chance to go see a gig there then all the better, there are gigs on daily ranging from comedy to live music. I sometimes just go in without knowing whats on and see what is on and enjoy it from there. Some weeknights even have a silent disco in the upstairs area, its free and a lot of fun if you don't want to have the hassle of big clubs. Unmissable

  • en

    Gregory Mundy


    Great friendly service... try the side bar which features only Irish Beers and Distillers. This place was in the movie P.S. I Love You and recommended by other local bartenders!

  • en

    David Robinson


    A lovely intimate gig venue,everything I thought it would be for that. However the silent disco was questionable, house music and random squabble. I would of thought the silent disco would of catered to people who were at the gig before hand... Still I'd go back, reasonable pint prices for Dublin.

  • ugur sari

    ugur sari


    A big pub that has more than one stage and has large venue. Has nice gigs almost most of the time. Cool staff and good music are the first things to mention. Nice beer choice like every pub in town, has tables on upstairs aswell that you can enjoy the gigs and music from above.

  • Michael Höbel

    Michael Höbel


    Sehr cooler Pub mit gemischtem Publikum. Wie in den Pubs hier üblich gibt es jede Menge Auswahl an verschiedenen Bieren. Ein kleiner Saal für Livemusik ist durch einen Nebeneingang zu erreichen. Wer "PS ich liebe dich" gesehen hat kennt auch diesen Pub und erkennt ihn auch wieder.

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