Willow House i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandWillow House


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130, Drumcondra Road Upper, Dublin, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 837 5733
internet side: www.willowhousedublin.com
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Latitude: 53.3731586, Longitude: -6.2523073

kommentar 4

  • zh

    zhe yang


  • en

    Pauline Mcnamara


    We stayed in this b&b for one night what a rip off no breakfast and 240 euro we were charged for 2 rooms. They also would not accept any cards it had to be cash.

  • en

    Christine Patko


    I stayed here for my first two nights in Ireland. The host was very accommodating when my plane arrived a lot earlier in the morning than I thought it would. She even fed me breakfast that morning, even though she didn't have to. The downsides were that the shower would go from super hot to cold to hot again during the entire duration of the shower. Also, the wifi could only be used downstairs in a small little nook, which I found very inconvenient. The place was beautiful, but I don't think I'd stay there again.

  • en

    Jon Leigh


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