Wrap Direct i Dublin 12

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandWrap Direct



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C6, Riverview Business Park, Nangor Road, Gallanstown, Dublin 12, D12 W566, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 460 4582
internet side: www.wrapdirect.com
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Latitude: 53.32789, Longitude: -6.374323

kommentar 5

  • en

    Brede Merrigan


    For car wrapping but also kitchens and lots of other items. Salesman very helpfu and friendly. Showroom area very small though and this is a disadvantage; would be nice to see examples and ideas of projects I can carry out.

  • en



    Great customer service from the guys here! I had a problem with the laminate on a roll I bought, the customer service team were quick to help me get to the bottom of the issue. They tested the main roll that mine was cut from and tested it. Soon after they sent out another roll free of charge which worked perfectly with no issues! Good quality products with great customer service! Highly reccomended

  • david yaffe

    david yaffe


    WOW an amazing choice of fantastic products and very professional service that includes super fast shipping. Wonderful to see an Irish company provide a great American style service that caters for customers satisfaction. Well done Car Wrap Direct.

  • en

    Carlos Ures


    Nice selection of products and happy to talk you through using them.

  • Joe Brennan

    Joe Brennan


    Great place to get everything you need to wrap your car and to get plastic dip spray

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