Aldi i Sallynoggin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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10, Pearse Road, Sallynoggin, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1800 991 828
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Latitude: 53.2771055, Longitude: -6.1400626

kommentar 5

  • en

    martina moyne


    I love this Aldi! All the staff are so lovely, friendly and helpful!

  • en

    Noel O Brien


    Great shop loads of bargains plenty of parking something different every time you go in.

  • en

    Deirdre Torpey


    Love Aldi's but wish that they had a fast track check out for 10 or less items. I would like if they continued some of the great food stuff that was on sale for Christmas like scallops and black pudding, boned and stuffed duck. I find that restocking shelves should be done very early in the morning or quiet times during the day as trollies for restocking are very big and bulky and dangerous with small children around. Deirdre Torpey

  • en

    Therese O'Flaherty


    I absolutely love the store and Managers Graham and Craig and all the staff really give me great support. I am in a wheelchair as I have secondary progressive MS. Honestly before Aldi opened just down the street in Sallynoggin I couldn't afford to eat the food that I need to help me. Aldi sees to it that I do. I am so very happy that the ski wear will be in store on the 11th as I desperatly need all the ski wear to keep me warm and dry in the wheel chair. Seriously please tell the owner I thank him from the bottom of my heart. I am now a health wise happy shopper. If you had a Manager of the year' Graham is that Manager. Thanks to All staff in Aldi's Sallynoggin.

  • en

    agnieszka makuch


    Stunning place for shopping good quality and cheap. Staff is friendly and professional. It's only one minus not a big choice of products

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