Tesco Metro i Dún Laoghaire

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTesco Metro



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Glenageary Road Upper, Dún Laoghaire, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1850 744 844
internet side: www.tesco.com
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Latitude: 53.28257, Longitude: -6.144542

kommentar 5

  • Nathan Tallant

    Nathan Tallant


    I live local and go in about three times a week and every time I go in there is staff following me around not closely but from a distance, she thinks I don't see her and its always the same worker too, from the time I get in the door to when I get to the self checkout, and she is always saying to me is that all you've got when she followed me around the shop and saw what I picked up and then followed me to the self checkout... She lives local and everytime she see's me she gives me a dirty look and even my friend noticed it the other day when I was walking down the road with him BTW, I always enter the shop alone and it's not like I'm going in with a group of my friend either, If I was with a load of other lads then I would understand but she follows me for no reason...

  • Meredith Chambers

    Meredith Chambers


    Great opening hours and great value. I have always found the staff here warm and welcoming.

  • Dovydas Varnas

    Dovydas Varnas


    Staff members are very nice and helpful.

  • Ken Devine

    Ken Devine


    It has most things that you want and good opening hours daily until 10pm

  • Stuart Masterson

    Stuart Masterson


    Nice bright store. Doesn't feel like a regular Tesco. Plenty of space and easy to get in and out of, with a decent select of products for a Tesco metro

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