An Evening of Food, Folklore and Fairies. i Dublin 8

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IrlandAn Evening of Food, Folklore and Fairies.



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The Brazen Head, 20 Lower Bridge Street, Merchants Quay, Dublin 8, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 218 8555
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Latitude: 53.344992, Longitude: -6.2764119

kommentar 5

  • Tsvetan Kanev

    Tsvetan Kanev


    A great night out. It's a must if you are visiting Dublin. 3 hours if entertainment complimented with great fiid

  • Jesse Earles

    Jesse Earles


    Make time for this! The food is tasty, the folklore is great, the music was fun, and the atmosphere was just right for it. Definitely at the top of our list of things to do again when we visit Ireland again very soon.

  • en

    Melissa Milbrath


    Great stories and great music. Made out trip to Dublin memorable

  • Eric Walby

    Eric Walby


    Above the fun and craic at the Brazen head, there is a private dining room where magic happens. Johnny daly is a glorious story teller, keeping the entire room enthralled with his stories of irish history and faerie folk lore. The musicians, Vinnie and Johnny were great as well, singing traditional tunes and jokes nearly as old! This was just plain fun. Can't recommend it highly enough.

  • Nate Ulsh

    Nate Ulsh


    This was a fantastic time learning about the folklore, history of Irish culture. The host sings like an angel and the guys played very well as they interacted with us and had us join in the songs. Great times!! // Este fue un momento fantástico para aprender sobre el folclore, la historia de la cultura irlandesa. El anfitrión canta como un ángel y los muchachos jugaron muy bien mientras interactuaban con nosotros y nos hicieron participar en las canciones. ¡¡Buenos tiempos!!

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