Light House Cinema i Dublin 7

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IrlandLight House Cinema


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Market Square, D07 R6YE, Dublin 7, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 872 8006
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Latitude: 53.3487928, Longitude: -6.2790714

kommentar 5

  • en

    Stephanie Chen


    By far my favorite cinema to go to. Screens and sound have always been great. Friendly and helpful staff. Also run a variety of seasons and retrospectives throughout the year as well as special member previews and screenings. Their Christmas season is always a treat - nothing more special than seeing It's a Wonderful Life on the big screen! Also has a lovely little cafe which serves soups and sandwiches.

  • en

    Nessa O Donnellan


    Gorgeous cinema, always has great films showing. Their seasons are excellent too, great to see older films on the big screen. Food and drinks are great. Seats are comfy, cinema is always clean and warm enough.

  • en

    Eser Sekercioglu


    Each screen is high quality. Seats are wide and provide adequate leg space. Bathrooms are usually clean or I have been unusually lucky. Staff us helpful and polite. The waiting areas have ample seating space. I have not used the cafeteria so I cannot say if the popcorn is any good. Small sizes come in a paper bag that makes a little too much noise.

  • Belinda Sheehan

    Belinda Sheehan


    My favourite cinema I've ever been to, the lighthouse is my go to place for movies even if somewhere else would be more convenient. They put on a carefully chosen selection of films with good mix of blockbusters and indie/art-house fare, as well as lots of older films. Their events are always top-notch, I'm particularly fond of their post-film Q&As. The prices are good too, much cheaper than than any other cinema even at event screenings. The food is good, the standard cinema fare of popcorn and a drink can still be pricey but still better than anywhere else, and the sambos in the cafe are expensive but good. I'll also never be over the novelty of being able to bring a cup of tea into the cinema!

  • paul mcglade

    paul mcglade


    The Light House Cinema is unique as cinemas go. Obviously it shows movies, but unlike most of it's competitors, it shakes it up in the variety department. It runs special seasons of movies, anything from film noir, horror, screwball comedies to it's current run, Christmas classics. My family attended a showing of The Muppet Christmas Carol and despite having seeing it umpteen times, thoroughly enjoyed watching it on the big screen. Our two children are 30 and 25 but there was plenty in the audience under 10 to appreciate the wonder of this classic, maybe for the first time. The Light House is also more than just a cinema. It has a restaurant and bar and is unique in that you can bring your drink into the screening with you. There's also a very laid back vibe that you don't experience in other cinemas. Plus the prices are very competitively priced compared to nearby cinemas. So a trip to the Light House is recommended for more than a film screening, more like a film experience.

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