Ashley Ford i Dublin 7

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAshley Ford



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305 North Circular Road, Phibsborough, Cabra East, Dublin 7, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 838 9947
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.360007, Longitude: -6.2788812

kommentar 5

  • Luara Hayes

    Luara Hayes


    Very nice staff and recommend to anyone as I had great experience with them thanks

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    Alan Gordon


    Very friendly garage.Great value.

  • en

    Expedito Tauro


    They are so friendly, highly recommended...

  • Doorf ixing

    Doorf ixing


    Took delivery of new focus. Great price and loads of parking.

  • en

    m&c healthcare limited


    First off, Thomas Mathew is the greatest! He's patient, caring and wants to be the best help he can be.I also want to acknowledge the great job he did, in finding and securing the specific van I was requesting. He was knowledgeable, responsive, and focused, which was reassuring. I have been looking for a new van, to replace my 151 Transit Connect (Which also happened to be bought from Thomas), for almost 3 months as my business had grown where I needed something bigger. Thomas made the completion of required paperwork, a painless and efficient experience. He was prepared and highly knowledgeable.I am looking forward to my many years with the Ford Transit Van. I definitely will recommend Ashley Ford to my friends. I'm very happy with my new van Ford Transit 162. In fact I wouldn't buy any other brand except Ford. It has great visibility and driving is so smooth. I love it. Thank you for giving a chance to own a brand new Transit once again. Your happy customer

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