MSL Park Motors i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMSL Park Motors



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Navan Road, Dublin, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 869 1000
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Latitude: 53.361927, Longitude: -6.300584

kommentar 5

  • Nigel Munnelly

    Nigel Munnelly


    A lovely show room. Great staff. Very helpful and interested in what you want. Range of finance packages available. Wife is a returning customer and ordered another car from here.

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    Philip Donohue


    Not good. Staff didn't want to know

  • Dermot Sheehan

    Dermot Sheehan


    more interested in selling PCP than a car

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    Monessa Dargan


    Bernard Byrne is excellent sales executive we found him to be courteous and professional manner and look after my daughter and son in law in the purchase of their new car. We were all impressed with the service. Thanks Bernard

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    Celine Stenson


    My experience was very disappointing on the first and subsequent arranged appointment to view a Mercedes CLA. A most disengaged and disinterested salesman was the cause of my ire. I was genuinely interested in buying a new car however I took my custom elsewhere! The competitors most certainly know how to treat their prospective customers. I subsequently purchased my new car on the same day that I had my appointment in MSL... this was despite the fact that I had no prior appointment in that garage. You should review your customer experience if you want to continue to stay in business.

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