Avoca i Bray

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Kilmacanoge, Kilmacanoge North, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 274 6900
internet side: www.avoca.com
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Latitude: 53.172982, Longitude: -6.142179

kommentar 5

  • Izaskun Saeta

    Izaskun Saeta


    This is my favorite place for a coffee, lunch and spending few hours shopping. Amazing food and wonderful staff anywhere in the shop. Highly recommend!

  • en

    Charlotte K


    Beautiful shop with a Café / restaurant, outdoors seating with a lovely view available. Stunning garden. Shop is perfect for lovely little things for yourself or as a gift

  • Thijs Roosendaal

    Thijs Roosendaal


    Self service cafe with some nice healthy lunch options. Attached to the shopping and food area, so you can first shop and then have a lunch or quick coffee. Uncomplicated and easy going. We like to take our baby here as well. Good quality food, but pricy.

  • Caroline Conway

    Caroline Conway


    Really lovely spot in the heart of Wicklow. It was my first time going there and I will definitely be going back however it was on the pricey and we paid 12e each for a salad and a bottle of water. The garden centre is lovely there and the grounds are beautiful and kids can run around here like lunatics without fear of disturbing anyone!

  • Jim Chandler

    Jim Chandler


    This is one of my favorite places to take people for lunch and (if visitors from abroad) to shop! They have some of the nicest woolen products I have ever seen and people always love to have a browse and pick up nice gifts. Always worth a visit for lunch and or tea/coffee (and desserts!!) their desserts are INCREDIBLE 😍🍰🍪

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