Killruddery House & Gardens i Bray

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IrlandKillruddery House & Gardens



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Southern Cross Rd, Kilruddery Demesne East, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 286 3405
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Latitude: 53.184963, Longitude: -6.102304

kommentar 5

  • Aoife Ryan

    Aoife Ryan


    Just beautiful grounds and fun and delicious cafe with home mad ice-cream for the kids!

  • John Willmott

    John Willmott


    Gardens quite expansive and peaceful to walk around. Lovely very natural woodlands with grand trees. Country house collection seems like most country house collection, but not a major interest of mine. Orange room conservatory is fascinating. Tea room is lovely though a little pricey, but most things in this area are pricey.

  • Donna Keady

    Donna Keady


    Got a tour of the house it was brilliant and the house is amazing the gardens are so peaceful and beautiful you could spend the day there its a great place to go alone or with the family.The tea house has delicious treats and a great selection of teas and coffee.

  • en

    una ONeill Mangan


    Love this place there is always something going on through the summer. I bring my grandkids up here all through the summer. I walk up here with my dog through all the seasons. The farmers market is on Saturday mornings and we have gone to see Santa and Mrs Clause for the last three years. The kids love it.

  • Alan Thompson

    Alan Thompson


    Great that the family open this place to the public. It is a beautiful place with loads of events and activities going on. Don't miss the farmers market on Saturdays. It's excellent.

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