Avondale Guest Accommodation i Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAvondale Guest Accommodation



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2, Parnell Street, Waterford, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 51 854 689
internet side: www.avondaleguestaccommodation.com
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Latitude: 52.259019, Longitude: -7.1081865

kommentar 5

  • mary hooton

    mary hooton


    A very comfortable spaciousness room with all the extras to class it as "luxury" The bed was just so comfortable. The host was really friendly and helpful. As far as I could make out, it is not suitable for anyone who had mobility issues.

  • en

    James kenny


    Fantastically well kept and the beds are to die for. 😁

  • en

    Cricket Mcgary


    The hosts are exceptionally nice and helpful. The accommodations are clean and comfortable. You get a lot for a very reasonable rate. Oh and did I mention, the freshest croissants and chocolate croissants for breakfast? I would stay again just for the baked goods. I do suggest choosing a room that does not face the main road as it is rather noisy especially on weekend nights. A white nose machine and a small garbage can in the room would make this B+B five stars!

  • en

    Paul Langan


    Comfortable, convenient, and perfectly located, this inn also happens to feature great staff. Andy, the innkeeper, is friendly, helpful, and resourceful--full of tips and suggestions to help you make the most of your stay in Waterford. Continental breakfast is included, making Avondale an even better value. Looking for a great place from which to explore Waterford? Look no further; you found it.

  • Ava Carmichael

    Ava Carmichael


    Fantastic inn with a great location in Waterford! Walking distance to all of the tourist spots, shopping and restaurants. Parking is just a little ways down, behind Waterford Crystal. The innkeeper was so kind and the breakfast rolls were warm and delicious! I'd recommend this place to anyone looking for a clean, comfy room in Waterford!

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