Portree House i Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPortree House



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10-11 Mary St, Waterford, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 51 874 574
internet side: www.portreeguesthouse.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.263908, Longitude: -7.121127

kommentar 5

  • Justin Blackmore

    Justin Blackmore


    Central location within walking distance for all amenities. In terms of price (extremely competitive). Lovely facilities (communal kitchen) friendly staff

  • Katie Pi

    Katie Pi


    Great stay here! Warm atmosphere with everything close by. Staff incredibly helpful and friendly anytime willing to help. Rooms cosy and nice kitchen / dining room to hang out in read books and meet other travellers.

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    Ludo Leva


    Very nice place to rest and to spend your time while visiting Waterford! Totally recommend it!

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    Anton Tornberg


    I loved everything about Portree house, the staff, the helpers and the general areas made for an amazing atmosphere amongst the people in the hostel. Would highly recommend staying there if you go to Waterford. The location is great, just a few minutes walk to the bus station and you have everything close by in town too!

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    Graham Kerr


    I've stayed here on multiple occasions and its lovely. Great location in the city, easily accessible by car. Car parking on site and on street parking around the guesthouse. Facilities are everything you need, and staff are extremely helpful and nice. I can't recommend it enough.

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