Balfes i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Balfe Street, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 646 3315
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Latitude: 53.3413896, Longitude: -6.2613923

kommentar 5

  • en

    Fiona Gallagher


    Over priced for the quality and quantity of food you're getting. No real taste off the brunch dish. Brown bread was soggy. Average.

  • en



    Food okay, quiet place at times, nice place as a rendezvous spot in Dublin, good for a glass of beer or wine and maybe another.

  • Caroline Kello

    Caroline Kello


    Lovely, gorgeous place. Atmosphere is nice. Lots of marble and clean spaces. Very difficult to get a table so booking is recommended. Staff is kinda snooty but maybe that's part of the charm!

  • en

    Sarah H


    I think that the staff may have had a night out the day before! We were there for breakfast ordered the omelette it was very milky which overpowered the taste. I had to ask three times for a glass of water. We were also given our coffee with no sugar or milk. It is a nice location and atmosphere but they seemed to be the best thing going for it on this occasion.

  • Conchur de Barra

    Conchur de Barra


    Had a really nice brunch here on Saturday afternoon, nice choice on menu and food was very tasty. Coffee was well made and bar staff very pleasant. One star deducted for the wait for food, great decor.

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