Banyi Japanese Dining i Dublin 2

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IrlandBanyi Japanese Dining



🕗 åbningstider

3-4, Bedford Row, D02 HD77, Dublin 2, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 675 0669
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.345903, Longitude: -6.261876

kommentar 5

  • en

    Michał Izdebski


    Food that they serve is delicious. Especially beef slices. Meet was so soft and delicious. Service was amazing as well. My colleague required to charge his phone and waitress helped. She even bring twice my colleague phone whenever someone called!

  • Sam Lannin

    Sam Lannin


    A great experience! I would very happily go back to this place! The staff are really lovely and the food is fantastic! We had been told that the food for some of the dishes comes served in a boat and sure the inner child in me asked if we could have out meals served in these boats. To our delight both dishes came in a boat to our amusement and our waiter too laughing at how much fun we were having out of this feature. Great staff and food! Just go here! :)

  • Janne Ohtonen

    Janne Ohtonen


    This restaurant is great and I have been here a few times when in Dublin. They make very delicious sushi and I end up ordering too many things every time as they are so good. I highly recommend visiting this restaurant if are in the area and like Japanese food. For those who don't like fish, they have other sushi rolls, too!

  • pl

    Joanna Zajkowska


    przepysznie! dużo i z klimatem😉

  • pl

    Marcin Lesniowski


    Wusmienite jedzenie i wspaniale miejsce

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