Barberstown Castle i Straffan

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IrlandBarberstown Castle


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Barberstown, Straffan, Co. Kildare, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 628 8157
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Latitude: 53.3226664, Longitude: -6.6099658

kommentar 5

  • Donal Gavin

    Donal Gavin


    Enjoyed a lovely wedding here. Did and staff were excellent. Lonely location.

  • en

    Aisling Connolly


    Thank you to Gretchen, Matthew and all the staff in Barberstown Castle. We had our wedding day there on the 17th February 2017. The decor, service and food were first class and the atmosphere was amazing. Thank you all so so much for making this such a special day. From Aisling and Dara xx

  • en

    John J


    Gorgeous place here, and the staff are really friendly. I had one of the nicest coffees I've ever had here. The grounds are beautiful and the resident golden retrievers are a joy to meet. I really enjoyed my stay here and would result go back again.

  • Dennis Kelly

    Dennis Kelly


    Very beautiful hotel. Was there for a wedding. The bar was very small though. Considering the wedding was for 175 people there was only 2 bar staff on a very small bar so as you can imagine it was very busy. It never took anything away from the day but something to bare in mind. Also only lager there was Carlsberg so not the biggest selection.

  • Monique Malone

    Monique Malone


    Fabulous venue for a wedding, lovely picturesque gardens, period features and excellent staff throughout. Some areas would be difficult to navigate in a wheel chair (we had a baby buggy and had to lift it up and down steps to get to the restaurant) and there wasn't a bar in the main hotel building which was a bit inconvenient. I'm told the beer wasn't too good either! However the food and service was excellent and we couldn't fault our room - a travel cot was provided for the baby and the room was spacious, spotless & comfortable.

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