Coach House at clif hotel i County Kildare

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IrlandCoach House at clif hotel


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Wheatfield Upper, Co. Kildare, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.2993036, Longitude: -6.5579973

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pauline Meade


    I was there for a wedding n I love it great place for a meal

  • en

    Justine Murphy


    Love this place, absolute gem! Magical at Christmas! I'm bringing my Mam & Dad there today for a festive drink!

  • en

    David Murphy


    Excellent location with charming staff, very festive at this time of year

  • Niall Doherty

    Niall Doherty


    Fantastic setting to have food or a coffee and scone. Amazing hot chocolate that is one of the best if you like it dark and satisfying. Beautiful buildings, vegetable garden and pond.

  • en

    Mark Webb


    An interesting hotel, a long drive takes you to one of two connected car parks, and you are welcomed by the sound of running water on a water wheel as you walk to the house. The staff seemed very good and were very helpful and friendly.

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