Castlebar Railway Station i Castlebar

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IrlandCastlebar Railway Station


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Station Road, F23 R670, Castlebar, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 94 902 1222
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.847408, Longitude: -9.2881051

kommentar 5

  • Linda Nugent

    Linda Nugent


    Very hospitable staff and station so clean.

  • jacqueline bannon

    jacqueline bannon


    Quirky little station but could have more shelter for when it rains

  • Michael Halligan

    Michael Halligan


    The Railway station in Castlebar county mayo is typical of small town stations around the country. Built in1868 with cut stone buildings and Cast iron fittings and has a Victorian feel to place. It has good parking facilities and electronic ticket dispensers and if you need help with anything there is always an employee present to help. Good toilet facilities and waiting room.

  • Kieran Masterson

    Kieran Masterson


    Friendly staff and toilets are always clean any time I've been there.

  • Nora O'Malley

    Nora O'Malley


    The staff are helpful and friendly and the station is warm and clean. A nice place to wait for the Dublin train which is always on time. A good experience. But make sure you book your ticket online as it is half the price of buying at the station.

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